March 16, 2011

Scholarship Searches

Having a child in high school means the inevitable fear over how to pay for it. Year after year, many scholarships go unclaimed simply because parents and students do not know how to find them or access them.

FastWeb is a subsidiary of and is the source for invaluable college information, from scholarship money, to financial aid calculators, to grants, to internships. Additionally, it contains wealth of information about the college experience and student life in general. FastWeb has been featured on The Today Show, USA News and World Report, the New York Times, and the Chicago Tribune. And of course now, on Fresh Daily Bread.

Best of all, FastWeb is free, but you need to register to get the best information. I registered for my own child, and even though it means I have to admit the nest will be less full, at least I also know we can find the funds to keep the nest comfortable.

Secrets to winning a college scholarship by Valerie Strauss, The Washington Post

1 comment:

  1. My daughter was a senior last year, and FastWeb was really helpful.

    We also bought a GIANT book of scholarships--containing some incredibly obscure ones--that she went through and applied for, but not one of those panned out.

    I think FastWeb even gave her notifications of scholarships that matched her criteria if I'm not mistaken.


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