Reflections on parenting, education, and volunteering.
Sometimes served in a steaming hot loaf ripped off one piece at a time, sometimes in nice neat slices.
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.
~John Muir
Yo, Kim! I always thought Reagan was the one who was credited with the quote about the left wing, the right wing and the whole bird? Oh well, if Kucinich said it, or whether he said it in a different way than Reagan, I'm impressed. Hope all is going well for you and your family!
Yo, Kim! I always thought Reagan was the one who was credited with the quote about the left wing, the right wing and the whole bird? Oh well, if Kucinich said it, or whether he said it in a different way than Reagan, I'm impressed. Hope all is going well for you and your family!